Course Offered
Course Structure:
B.Sc.,B.A. & B.Com. First Year: Syllabus - B.Sc.I/B.A.I/B.Com.I
UNIT-1 Basic Language skills : Grammarand Usage. UNIT-2 Comprehension of an unseen passage. UNIT-3 Composition. UNIT-4 Letter writing. UNIT-5 Texts :
B.Sc.,B.A. & B.Com. Second Year: Syllabus - B.Sc.II/B.A.II/B.Com.II
UNIT-I Short answer questions to be assed. UNIT-II (a) Reading comprehension of an unseen passage (b) Vocabulary. UNIT-III Report-Writing. UNIT-IV Expansion of an idea. UNIT-V Grammar and Vocabulary based on the prescribed text book.
B.Sc.,B.A. & B.Com. Third Year: Syllabus - B.Sc.III/B.A.III/B.Com.III
UNIT-I Essay type answer in about 200 words. 5 essay type question to be asked three to be attempted. UNIT-II Essay writing. UNIT-III Precis writing. UNIT-IV (a) Reading comprehension of an unseen passage (b) Vocabulary based on text. UNIT-V Grammar Advanced Exercises