Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities
Procedures And Policies For Maintaining And Utilizing Physical, Academic And Support Facilities -
The College administrationascertains that proper procedures through proper channels are followed underestablished systems of College for the maintenance and utilization of physical,academic and support facilities. The College has established several committeesfor decision taking, analyzing and recommending of various proposals / tenderspertaining to expenditure on augmentation and maintenance of infrastructuralfacilities in the College. The relevant College committees also performinternal audits to ensure that proper utilization of funds has taken place forinfrastructural enhancement and maintenance. The yearly budget of the Collegeis planned with the support of Principal, Committee Heads, AdministrativeStaff, and Head Accountant. Regular meetings at timely intervals are organizedto present complete details of budget allocation and expenditure for variousacademic, physical and support facilities. All the academic, administrative andfinancial matters are decided through consensus with final approval from thePrincipal. Our College has a Finance Committee consisting of Principal, Headsof all departments and Head Accountant. The College adopts formal strategies toensure complete transparency in financial management. Proper procedures andprofessor budget allocation leads to effective and efficient use of financialresources. No amount is collected from students for any programe or activity.The various committees established in the College are meant for severalInstitutional affairs like Student Admission, Academic Time Table, StudentExamination, Purchase, Extension Activities and Student Welfare. All the aboveacademic, physical and support facilities of the College are being properlymaintained and utilized by the support of various committees which follow aconsensual decision making process inclusive of the requirements of all thestakeholders.